Hver uke presenterer vi en tilflytter til regionen vår. Denne måneden kan du bli bedre kjent med Blessing. Etter mange år i Storbrittania flyttet hun selskapet sitt til Halden.

My name is Blessing Addey-Oldeide and I am originally from Nigeria, where I grew up before moving to England. Here I completed an undergraduate degree in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and a master’s degree in Sustainability with Environmental Management. Since graduating in 2007, I have raised a family and started my own small business called Blessing’s Bakery.
I moved to Norway in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, as my husband got a job at IFE in Halden. Since moving here, I have focused on learning the language and have recently re-established my company.
I am passionate about my family, baking and environmental issues. I enjoy going for long walks and the company of family and good friends.
How long have you lived in Norway, did you move with family or on your own?
My family and I relocated to Norway in December 2020. We lived in Bergen for the first 6 months, before relocating to Halden.
Your main reasons for moving....
I am married to a Norwegian so we both decided now is the best time to relocate to Norway. He was able to get a job at IFE and I hope, after learning the language, to get employment or successfully establishing my own business.
What do you like best about living in Norway?
I love the atmosphere, the breath-taking Norwegian scenery. I enjoy the outdoors and what better place to be to enjoy that! Norwegians are the most wonderful people once you get to know them. Norway is known for its good quality of life, and I agree, it has been a big improvement for us having moved from the UK to Norway.
What could be better?
I’m not sure if I’m ever going to get used to the shops not being open on major holidays or on Sundays. I think Norwegian shops – online and brick and mortar shops – need to improve on what they offer, both service and variety of products. The grocery business has unfortunately been a race to the bottom for quite some time, and I don’t think Norwegians are getting good quality for money.
Are there things you find funny or peculiar that you didn’t expect prior to moving?
Smiling at people and they don’t smile back, not sure if they think I’m crazy. Asking people how they are doing seems to not be a normal thing to do. People not holding doors, not able to queue properly – general ‘good manners’ as they are known in the UK has been a bit of a peculiar thing for us.
Do you have Norwegian acquaintances or friends?
I have been lucky enough to make a few Norwegian friends in the short time I have lived in Halden and looking forward to meeting more people. Norwegians are not the easiest to befriend and it takes some time. We are patient and we keep inviting people to our house to break down barriers and to get to know people better. I think we will have a good circle of friends in a short time by being outgoing.
What are your outside of work interests?
I enjoy going for walks and running. Meeting friends for coffee and goofing around with my kids. I also enjoy experimenting on new recipes. I also love cooking for my family. Every week is a different set of meals, never a dull moment for my family. I love traveling to new places. While on holiday I enjoy reading, preferably a well recorded book.
What do you miss most from your home country?
I miss my friends and family the most. I miss the lake district in England, which is a beautiful part of the world. I miss driving in the UK, and I miss the good manners of the UK. From Nigeria, I miss the wonderful food, the party atmosphere and of course my family.
What has this move taught you so far?
This move has thought me to believe in myself. Moving to a new country where you don’t know anyone is a big challenge, however, being able to put myself out there to meet people and understand the culture is more rewarding.