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For Expats: International Food and Conversation
lør. 11. mars
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Tid og sted
11. mars 2023, 17:30 – 20:00
Fredrikstad, Ridehusgata 14, 1606 Fredrikstad, Norway
Om arrangementet
The Expat Network and Café Cicignon welcome you to an evening full of food and socializing at Café Cicignon in Fredrikstad!
Everyone brings a small dish from their home country and so you can try out eachother's foods/specialities while getting to know one another. We have many countries represented with tasty and interesting cuisines.
There's no need to cook a feast, you can just bring a small something, sweet, cake or fruit from your country as a contribution to the meal.
Please RSVP prior to 10th March and let her know what you are planning on bringing.
We are looking forward to an informal evening around the table!
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